5 Days of Christmas: Day 3, Kiss me GOODNITE

Penguin Pajamas - Victoria's Secret || Black Kiss me GOODNITE Tank - Victoria's Secret
Black Slippers - Jessica Simpson @ Bed Bath & Beyond
Photos taken by Myles Lozano Haynes

How was your holiday weekend everyone? I'm cheating a little here, my five days of Christmas was supposed to end when the 25th came around. Unfortunately, I got super busy and couldn't find the time to sit down and write blog posts. Many things didn't go as planned, but it still had been an enjoyable holiday for me, my family, and my friends. We had a pajama party and I wore my red penguin pajamas from Victoria's Secret! It was so comfortable :D

Anyway, is it just me or it didn't feel like Christmas at all? Well, for one, it was the weather. Don't get me wrong, I loved the warm weather, but it was supposed to be cold! Christmas should be the perfect time to wear our coziest sweaters and drink hot cocoa because it's the "Jack Frost nibbling at your nose" kind of cold. But no, we got rain and warmth. I was a bit disappointed.

On top of the weather issue was gift shopping. Christmas just isn't like it used to be. As you grow older, it becomes stressful. You have to worry about getting gifts and finding the right ones that won't make your wallet bleed. Although, it is fun to shop for gifts because you look for stuff that reminds you of the person you're buying it for, from the color to the scent of something. I personally like that part because I like shopping, but the money spending is a big downside. Another problem with Christmas as you age is having to think of the parties you're invited to, what to wear, what to bring, etc. If you're having a party in your own home, you'd have to worry about cleaning and cooking amongst other things. Yep, I had to experience all of that and I sort of let the joy of the holiday jump right over me. We should be celebrating the birth of Christ and not worry about all these other stuff, but c'est la vie! On a last note, belated Merry Christmas guys!

Ally Marie


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