"A horse is the projection of people's dreams about themselves - strong, powerful, beautiful - and it has the capability of giving us escape from mundane existence."
Bottoms - Uniqlo || Jacket - Wet Seal || Boots - Etienne Aigner
Bag - Bayo (Philippines) || Sunnies - Gucci
Bag - Bayo (Philippines) || Sunnies - Gucci
Photos taken by Blue Jones
We can only have so much in our lives, thus we let go of things we don't need anymore. I always had a hard time letting go and tend to keep unnecessary things, but as time passed, I slowly started to learn. And so did my aunt, kind of. The bag that I used was hers before; she really loved the bag and didn't have the heart to get rid of it. So when she finally gave it away, she gave it to me because in a way she knew where it was. It was one step closer to letting go haha!
Ally Marie
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