Winter Blues

White Knit Sweater - Forever 21 || Small White Quilted Purse - Forever 21 
Navy Blue Corduroy Jeans - Forever 21 || Navy Blue Jacket - Uniqlo || Necklace - Wet Seal
Blue Pumps - Fiona @ Payless Shoe Source || Brown Flats - Wet Seal
Photos taken by Angela Alcarez and Anj Lozano
Edited by moi

This is officially the very first post on my blog that features my new hair color! I got this sombré (summer ombré) around August and I don't miss my old color one bit. This is also the first post where the iPhone 5S camera has failed me. It was dark and we didn't use flash, so the quality sucks butt! The only decent photos that came out are in the middle of the set; they were taken when it was a little brighter out and enough light was available to make the them clear and crisp. Oh well, the graininess and noise adds character, I guess.

Over the weekend, my family and I were invited to a baptism and whenever I go to one, I always tend to wear white. Maybe because white equates to purity? Anywho, I ended up with this white sweater, navy blue corduroys, and white accessories with gold voila! That's the outfit. Although, I did wear a brown belt to go with my brown flats, which I wore at work before the baptism. Other than the flats, I pretty much kept the white and navy blue theme going, even with my jacket, which was a coincidence haha!

I'm cutting it short here, I have to continue studying for my accounting final tomorrow. Wish me luck! Good luck to you all who still has to take it and congratulations to those who finished the semester already! -_- lucky ducks...

Ally Marie


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